
Jun 292012
 archive : 2012

Ed Kashi “Photojournalisms: Images and Journals from Ed Kashi’s New Book”

Kashi will discuss the evolution of this unique and personal project, shedding light on what it means to be balance the rigorous work of a traveling photojournalist while also raising a family.

Presenters: Ed Kashi

Location: Brooklyn Bridge Park – Pier 3

A lecture and presentation of Ed Kashi’s new experimental film, Photojournalisms, based on his new book of the same name. Kashi will discuss the evolution of this unique and personal project, shedding light on what it means to be balance the rigorous work of a traveling photojournalist while also raising a family.

Presenter Bios

  • Ed Kashi

    Ed Kashi is a critically acclaimed photojournalist who uses photography, filmmaking, and social media to explore geopolitical and social issues. A dedicated educator and mentor to photographers around the world, Kashi lectures frequently on visual storytelling, human rights, and the world of media.

    A Contributing Photographer to the VII Foundation since 2010, Kashi has been recognized for his complex imagery and its compelling rendering of the human condition. His early adoption of hybrid visual storytelling has produced a number of influential short films and in 2015 he was named Multimedia Photographer of the Year by Pictures of the Year International.

    His work has appeared in National Geographic, Open Society Foundations, The New Yorker, MSNBC, GEO, Human Rights Watch, MediaStorm,, The New York Times Magazine, Oxfam, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and TIME. His work has been published and exhibited worldwide, receiving numerous awards and honors, and he has published nine books of his photography.

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