We all know that people are looking at photos more often than ever. But are we all just focused on the online world? Maybe not. Photo books – the offline kind – are becoming more prevalent than ever. But can you make money from them?
Presenters: Chris Boot Olga Yatskevich Niina Pollari Christopher Capozziello
Moderators: David Alan Harvey Diego Orlando
Location: Brooklyn Bridge Park – Pier 5 Uplands
We all know that people are looking at photos more often than ever. But are we all just focused on the online world? Maybe not. Photo books – the offline kind – are becoming more prevalent than ever. But can you make money from them? Or, are they more useful for marketing and awareness purposes? And, which platform is the best route for you? Join a diverse panel of speakers from distinguished publishing houses, non-profit and independent publishers, as well as photographers who have crowd-funded and published their own books to learn the in’s and out’s of the (seemingly) counter-intuitive photo book trend.