This interactive workshop will address the challenges of earning a living as a photographer, whilst at the same time doing work that has meaning and social relevance. Participants are encouraged to bring in project ideas to discuss and brainstorm on execution strategies.
Presenters: Chris Bartlett
Location: Brooklyn Bridge Park – Pier 5 Uplands
This interactive workshop will address the challenges of earning a living as a photographer, whilst at the same time doing work that has meaning and social relevance. Participants are encouraged to bring in project ideas to discuss and brainstorm on execution strategies. Chris will also talk about his career as a commercial still life photographer in the fashion world, as well as his documentary human rights projects. He will be discussing the challenges of managing both and the unexpected places where they overlap.
Chris Bartlett is a documentary human rights portrait photographer. His projects have included military rape survivors, portraits of Iraqi former detainees who were tortured by the U.S., and for Photoville 2015, Burmese dissidents and former political prisoners. His Iraqi detainee portraits were first shown and the Open Society Foundation’s Moving Walls exhibition. The project was reinterpreted as an installation and shown at Photoville 2014. Most recently it was seen at the Houston Fotofest and the Hamburg Triennial. Chris has been interviewed by the BBC, NPR, Canadian Public Radio, Al Jazeera, and many others.