Featuring: Rogier Alleblas, Sacha de Boer, Hester den Boer, Jenny Boot, Jolande des Bouvrie, Oski Collado, Annelies Damen, Peter Day, Ton Dirven, Flip Franssen, Gert Jan van Geerenstein, Aloys Ginjaar, Julia Gunther, Amerens Hedwich, Judith Heinsohn, Harold van de Kamp, Mariska Karto, Peter de Krom, Tom Meerman, Maartje Roos, Sanne Thunnissen, Romy Treebush, Inge Trienekens, Dimitri Valentijn, Baukje Venema, Astrid Verhoef, Helene Wiesenhaan, Yvonne Witte.
This exhibition was conceived in light of universal emotions and experiences. In search of the intrinsic value of life itself that give us strength through beauty, humor, hope and imagination. Values that feed our human consciousness and help us to overcome the trials and tribulations that we encounter in life. ALIVE! shows both artistic contemplations and human relationships in connection to society in different cultures and stages of life.
We invite the viewer to a journey inward as well as outward. Two directions, both equally important to experience life to its fullest extent.
Aloys Ginjaar and Astrid Verhoef have been working together since 2011. They strive to create an international platform for Dutch Photography and do so by organising Group-exhibitions abroad as well as in The Netherlands. Exhibitions they have so far realised has been shown in New York, Amsterdam and Tokyo. Currently they are planning another exhibition in Japan and next year they’ll organize an exhibtion of Japanese photography in Amsterdam.
Dutch Culture USA
Dutch arts, culture, and shared cultural heritage are represented in the U.S. through the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Washington, DC, and the Consulates General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Atlanta, Chicago, Miami, New York, and San Francisco. The headquarters for cultural services is the Press and Cultural Affairs Department of the Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in New York.
FUTURE 400, a 2024/2025 initiative of the Netherlands Consulate General in New York, endeavors to honor 400 years of Dutch-New York history with honesty and integrity, creating space for others who share this common heritage to voice their feelings and experiences at this monumental moment. Partners from cultural to commercial fields, from the New York area to the Netherlands will come together to create new work and new opportunities that will continue to write the next chapter of our shared story, our collective…FUTURE 400. More information: www.dutchcultureusa.com
Featuring: Various Artists
Curated by: Aloys Ginjaar Astrid Verhoef
View Location Details Brooklyn Bridge Park – Pier 5 UplandsBrooklyn,
NY 11201
Location open 24 hours