
Pierre-Michelle Jean
Pierre-Michelle Jean
Pierre Michel Jean
Josue Azor
Edine Celestin


Land of contrasts and magical realism. 

Haitian art bears witness to mysteries, 

To the force of life,

The Sun, 





The need for humanity is ever-present.

You need eyes to see it. 

A new Haitian mysticism.

Featuring the talent of cutting-edge Haitian photographers across the island, this exhibition invites foreigners to experience internal conversations about Haitian culture and community. In addition to our exhibition at Photoville, Haiti Cultural Exchange (HCX) has concurrently installed images in community gardens across Brooklyn in partnership with Brooklyn Queens Land Trust. With complexity, intimacy, and artistic excellence as unifying forces, this series of exhibitions showcases the depth and breadth of photography coming out of Haiti.

Find more information on our concurrent images across Brooklyn here.

Artist Bios

  • Josué Azor

    Based in Port-au-Prince, Josué Azor has been traveling around Haiti since 2008 to merge his passion for photography and his appreciation of Haitian practices. Over the past five years, Azor has been exploring the night in Port-au-Prince and the LGBTI community in Noctambules. He is also a member of Kolektif 2 Dimansyon, K2D, a collective of young Haitian photographers based in Haiti dedicated in photojournalism and visual arts.

  • Edine Célestin

    Edine Célestin is a photojournalist and human rights activist based in Port-au-Prince and one of the founding members of the Haitian collective of photographers, K2D. She often collaborates with the Haitian daily Le Nouvelliste and with foreign media such as Le Monde, Médiapart, Round Earth Media, USA Today and New York Magazine. Her recently published book, KAZAL — Memories of a massacre under Duvalier: a photographic approach was co-authored with André Frère.

  • Pierre-Michel Jean

    Pierre-Michel Jean lives and works in Port-au-Prince as a freelance photojournalist and filmmaker. He is a founding and active member of the collective of Haitian journalists K2D. Jean studied Social Communication and Legal Sciences at the State University of Haiti and graduated from Haiti Reporters. In 2018, he was awarded the Young Haitian Journalist Prize, and is currently a National Geographic grantee.


  • Haiti Cultural Exchange

    Haiti Cultural Exchange

    Haiti Cultural Exchange is a non-profit organization established to develop, present and promote the cultural expressions of the Haitian people. We seek to raise awareness of social issues and foster cultural understanding and appreciation through programs in the arts, education, and public affairs. Our programs and services seek to support emerging and established artists, promote cross-cultural exchanges, preserve our cultural heritage, and encourage dialogue around contemporary social issues.

Ayiti: Beyond Darkness

 archive : 2022

Featuring: Josué Azor Edine Célestin Pierre-Michel Jean

Curated by: Régine M. Roumain Emily Schiffer

Presented by: Haiti Cultural Exchange
  • Haiti Cultural Exchange


View Location Details Brooklyn Bridge Park – Empire Fulton Ferry Lawn

1 Water Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201

Number 11 on the official photoville map Click to download this year's map

This location is part of Brooklyn Bridge Park
Explore other locations and exhibitions nearby

These works are presented in memory of Jacqueline Vernet Phillpotts — a staunch supporter of Haitian art throughout her life who was passionate about improving Haiti’s image and cultural footprint in the U.S. She was born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti and moved to the U.S. in 1967. Her passion for the arts led her to Sotheby’s, where she became the company’s first Black manager in the 1970s. She subsequently became a serial entrepreneur with multiple talents ranging from accounting and finance to interior design and art. Among her many accomplishments, she founded JECE Art, which identified and distributed works from Haitian artists. Vernet Phillpotts was a devoted mother, entrepreneur, activist, and author. She passed away on December 11, 2020, and her daughter Christine organized donations to Haiti Cultural Exchange in her honor.

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This website was made possible thanks to the generous support and partnership of Photowings
