Featuring: Alice Kivlon, Ed Kashi, Enid Crow & Jimmy Fountain, Erin Quinn, Frances Mocnik, Francois Boutin, Gabrielle Stein, Jez Coulson, Joan Fitzsimmons, Joel Devlin, Kathleen Rogers, Manuel Vazquez, Martin Gremm, Maxi Cohen, Nathan Bett, Reid Elem, Rhasaan Manning, Richie Tse, Ryuji Ichikawa, Sanghyuk Yoon, and Steven Poster.
Curated by Jon Levy, Dr. Nikolai Ssorin-Chaikov, Alexandria Niki, Dave Shelley and Nayanika Mathur.
As Europe and America are engulfed in the greatest crisis of mutual trust since WWII, as a result of the recent inter-spying revelations, secrets and lies seem to be assuming an ever more crucial character in public life. The era of “CCTV in every corner” already seems like an age of lost innocence when we now habitually email and web search in the knowledge that we are being constantly spied upon. And yet, at the same time, ordinary citizens are becoming for the first time equipped with the tool of the spy trade themselves: iphones with imperceptible cameras penetrate every corner of social life, with every private moment potentially already being part of the public sphere.
In this world of vertical and horizontal, covert and yet overt mutual surveillance the question of ‘if the walls could talk’ assumes a new, perplexing dimension. For it is in this context of hyper-visibility that conspiracy theories seem to thrive the most, enjoying mass audiences as well as sophisticated apologists at the core of democracies fashioning themselves as immune to such irrationalities. Under their rubric, every revelation appears as a cover-up, and every disclosure as the disguised fostering of a secret.
Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH) / University of Cambridge
The Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH) supports, promotes and conducts interdisciplinary research of the highest order. Located at the heart of the humanities campus, the Centre’s managed research programme produces annually over 400 events a year, with 30 conferences, 14 graduate and faculty research groups, Humanitas Visiting Professors, and longer term interdisciplinary research projects. The regular work-in-progress seminar for fellows – external and internal visiting fellows – contributes to the lively atmosphere of intellectual exchange.
United Photo Industries (UPI)
United Photo Industries (UPI) is a New York based nonprofit organization that works to promote a wider understanding of, and increased access to, the art of photography.
Since its founding in 2011, UPI has rapidly solidified its position in the public art landscape by continuing to showcase thought-provoking, challenging, and exceptional photography from across the globe. In its first seven years, UPI has presented the work of more than 2,500 visual artists in gallery exhibitions and public art installations worldwide.
Secrets & Lies
Featuring: Various Artists
View Location Details Brooklyn Bridge Park – Pier 5 UplandsBrooklyn,
NY 11201
Location open 24 hours