Featuring: Jinhee Bae, Ji-Soon Bek, Hyong-ryol Bak, Insook Kim, Jee Won Kim, Sung Yong Kim, Gun Young Lee, Seok Hoon Lee, Sunmin Lee, Wonchul Lee, Anna Lim, Hyung-geun Park

This exhibit aims to introduce Korean photography with the concept of memories. It is divided into two parts (two containers), and shows Korean photography, past and present, through archival documents and contemporary photography of Seoul. In the contemporary booth, 12 Seoul-based photographers focus on existence, identity, and Korean society. The archival booth shows the history of Seoul using records from public archives and photos from albums of ordinary people. All photographers have been published in the Korean photo magazine, Sensation Photography. All archival images were collected by Memory Plant, an independent social enterprise.
MUG Publishing
MUG Publishing is Seoul-based art publisher company focusing on photography and illustrations, printed matter, and more. Founded by Jin Hee Bae in 2008, we have been fortunate enough to work with fantastic individuals and organizations in art, culture, education, and corporate fields.
Starting in 2015, we have linked photographers with each other so they could communicate with artists in other mediums. We created promotional projects and planned exhibitions, art markets, and art books on photography.
We have participated in Photoville, New York’s largest outdoor premium photo festival, starting in 2016. In addition, many books and photographers were introduced at the Athens Photo Festival, fotofever Paris, Photo Independent LA, and more.
Finally, this June 2019, we have opened the first photography library in Seoul.
Sensation Photography : Focus on Korean Documentary
Featuring: Various Artists
Curated by: Jinhee Bae Mijung Jun
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Brooklyn, NY 11201
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