
Michelle V. Agins
Michelle V. Agins
Rahim Fortune
Kennedi Carter
Texas Isaiah

Featuring: Michelle V. Agins, Miranda Barnes, Erik Carter, Kennedi Carter, Ike Edeani, Rahim Fortune, Texas Isaiah, Nitashia Johnson, Brad Ogbonna, Dana Scruggs, Gioncarlo Valentine, Andre D. Wagner, Jim Wilson

In early June, The New York Times asked more than two dozen Black photographers to create self-portraits, whatever that phrase means to them. The collection of those photos presents an intimate perspective from artists who are motivated by their own reality. These images are both meditations on identity and serve as a visual response to the unthinkable experiences of the past year.

Read more about this exhibition at New York Times.


  • The New York Times

    The New York Times

    Since 1851, the New York Times has been on the ground reporting stories from around the globe that no one else was telling. How we tell those stories has changed, but our mission to seek the truth and help people understand the world has remained constant.

Sources of Self-Regard: Self-Portraits From Black Photographers Reflecting on America

 archive : 2020

Featuring: Various Artists

Curated by: Jolie Ruben Sandra Stevenson Amanda Webster

Presented by: The New York Times
  • The New York Times


View Location Details Brooklyn Bridge Park – New Dock Street

New Dock Street and Water Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201

Number 14 on the official photoville map Click to download this year's map

This location is part of Brooklyn Bridge Park
Explore other locations and exhibitions nearby

Location open 24 hours


How can a photographer make a self-portrait without photographing themselves?

What are some choices photographers make in directing their self portrait? (setting, objects, color vs. b&w, framing). How does that impact the image, and your understanding of them.

Select a portrait that is most compelling for you. Why does it stand out to you, and what do you think the photographer is trying to convey?

BONUS: Make your own self-portrait and artist statement inspired by one (or a few) of the self-portraits in this project.

Related Events

Oct 22020

An Evening with The New York Times

New York Times photographers and editors will share highlights from their coverage of some of the year’s most visually compelling stories. Some of the photographers and editors who created Sources of Self-Regard: Self-Portraits From Black Photographers Reflecting on America will discuss their work.

Learn More

This website was made possible thanks to the generous support and partnership of Photowings
