Featuring: Valeria Alonzo, Sophie Brill, Sam Clarke, Nicholas Drew, Stephanie Escobar, Eui-Jip Hwang, Jason Isolini, Nicole Maroon, Ramon Martinez, Kathryn Mussallem, Quinn Torrens, Anthony Urrea, Ana Zinn

Chosen from the class of 2017, these alumni from the BFA Photography and Video Department exemplify the diversity of practice that the program cultivates and the medium encourages. Despite this pluralism, the work is unified by a spirit of invention and a restless form of inquiry, as well as being deeply informed about the contemporary photographic conversation.
School of Visual Arts (SVA) in New York City is an established leader and innovator in the education of artists. From its inception in 1947, the faculty has been comprised of professionals working in the arts and art-related fields. SVA provides an environment that nurtures creativity, inventiveness and experimentation, enabling students to develop a strong sense of identity and a clear direction of purpose.
SVA BFA Photography and Video
Featuring: Various Artists
Curated by: Stephen Frailey
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Brooklyn, NY 11201
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