
Facing Change: Documenting America (FCDA)

Facing Change: Documenting America (FCDA)

Facing Change: Documenting America (FCDA), a non-profit organization founded in 2009, illuminates critical issues facing our country, creating a documentary record used to engage and educate through public art exhibitions and events centered around documentary photography.

Photographers across the country join together to collectively document this era of great change in contemporary America, and focus on a wide range of subjects and stories, reaching people from all backgrounds and life experiences.

Documenting Detroit, launched in 2015, is the flagship project of FCDA, focusing on one major American city in the midst of new development alongside tradition and continuity. Our project is creating a lasting visual portrait of Detroit through a yearly, juried emerging photography fellowship.

We engage thousands of people through events and public art exhibitions, providing a platform for our audience to see themselves, and their neighborhoods, as documented through the lenses of local emerging documentary photographers.

Archive Exhibitions Supported by Facing Change: Documenting America (FCDA)

What Remains

Brooklyn Bridge Park – Emily Warren Roebling Plaza
 archive : 2019

Facing Change: Documenting America’s interactive exhibit of Detroit life reveals the Motor City’s culture and community, as seen through local lenses.

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Archive Sessions and Events Supported by Facing Change: Documenting America (FCDA)

Sep 202015

Documentary Storytelling: A New Era

Consisting of members the FCDA photography collective, the panel will discuss the inspiration and necessity for independent and collaborative projects in a new era of documentary storytelling. It will explore how shrinking budgets and displaced priorities of publications are creating a greater need for an alternative model that prioritizes public interest.

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This website was made possible thanks to the generous support and partnership of Photowings