
Frontline Freelance Register

Frontline Freelance Register

The Frontline Freelance Register (FFR) is a representative body for freelance journalists, created for and run by freelancers. Founded in 2013, FFR is a member-driven, ring-fenced initiative of the Frontline Club Charitable Trust. As a membership association, FFR is open to international freelance journalists who are exposed to risk in their work, and who adhere to its Code of Conduct.

Its core mission is to support the physical and mental well-being of international freelance journalists who are exposed to risk in their work. It provides freelancers with a forum, a representative body, and a critical mass to advocate for their safety, protection and welfare.

FFR also promotes professionalism and safety awareness within the freelance journalism community. FFR‘s Code of Conduct is central to this mission, as it allows freelancers to demonstrate that they abide by responsible news gathering standards consistent with those established and recognised by the news media industry.

Archive Sessions and Events Supported by Frontline Freelance Register

Sep 222019

Teargas, Trolling, and Trauma: Photographing Political Polarization in the U.S.

A panel discussion on the physical, digital, and psychological risks for photographers covering political rallies, protests, and events in an increasingly polarised environment leading up to the 2020 U.S. Presidential election.

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