
NYC Street Photography Collective

NYC Street Photography Collective

Over the last several years, the genre of street photography—candid photographs of life in public places—has experienced a resurgence, aided by the proliferation of image sharing via social media and the easy availability of small, capable digital cameras. The New York City Street Photography Collective (NYC-SPC) formed in 2015 as a casual meet-up group for those interested in the genre, and has since expanded into a 22-member 501(c)3 non-profit collective of active and committed street photographers. NYC-SPC members are a diverse group of artists from all over the US and several other countries, all currently living and practicing in the New York City area.

The goals of NYC-SPC are to explore the art of street photography and to share with others, at once tying into the long tradition of street photography in New York City and forging new paths with our work in the unpredictable world of 2018. To date, we have published a biannual zine now in its eighth edition and have had members’ work featured on several websites including Gothamist, Konbini, Vice, The New York Times, New York Magazine, Creative Boom, and The Guardian.

This exhibition is made possible with donations by fans of the NYC Street Photography Collective, our members, and the generous support from LTI / Lightside Photographic Services.

Archive Exhibitions Supported by NYC Street Photography Collective

Eyes on New York

Brooklyn Bridge Park – Emily Warren Roebling Plaza
 archive : 2018

The goal of this exhibition is to highlight the work and personal visions of the emerging street photographers in The New York City Street Photography Collective, while simultaneously providing viewers with a glimpse of candid, unaltered scenes of life in New York City as it happens every day.

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This website was made possible thanks to the generous support and partnership of Photowings