
Saving Mothers

Saving Mothers

Over 343,000 women in developing nations die during childbirth each year. This is the equivalent of three jumbo jets filled with women crashing every day. The vast majority of these deaths are due to a lack of access to basic sexual and reproductive care. Saving Mothers is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to eradicating preventable maternal deaths and birth-related complications. Founded in 2009 by medical professionals, Saving Mothers seeks to improve health outcomes for women in the most underserved global communities. Saving Mothers brings field-tested, high-impact solutions to bear in solving these challenges. Saving Mothers currently has operations in Kenya, Guatemala, and the Dominican Republic.

Archive Exhibitions Supported by Saving Mothers

Too Far to Walk

Brooklyn Bridge Park – Emily Warren Roebling Plaza
 archive : 2018

Saving Mothers presents a series of photographs from a community in Northern Kenya where women suffer disproportionately from poor access to health services, discrimination, and at times, victimization by harmful traditions.

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