
Dr. Lauren Walsh

Dr. Lauren Walsh

Dr. Lauren Walsh is a professor at New York University and the founder and director of the NYU Gallatin Photojournalism Intensive. She is also the director of Lost Rolls America, a national archive of photography and memory. Walsh is the author of multiple books, including Conversations on Conflict Photography and Through the Lens: The Pandemic and Black Lives Matter, as well as publications on topics ranging from photojournalism and moral injury to documentation of war crimes to censorship. In addition to her appearances on CNN, BBC, and Al Jazeera, Walsh has appeared as an expert on photography in radio programs, podcasts, and films; and she lectures and leads workshops around the world, with an emphasis on photography ethics, visual literacy, and/or journalism safety and emotional wellbeing. Walsh specializes in conflict/crisis photography and peace journalism.

Archive Sessions and Events Featuring Dr. Lauren Walsh

Jun 22024

Safety 101 for Visual Journalists

A practical two-hour workshop introducing visual journalists to safety as a pillar of professionalism and best practice.

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Oct 102021

The Value Of Our Photographic Heritage: Five Perspectives

Five leading photography professionals discuss photographic heritage with PhotoWings Founder Suzie Katz.

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Sep 152019

Conversations on Conflict Photography

There has never been a more important time for acknowledging and investigating the crucial role of conflict photography in shaping our understanding of international affairs and faraway crises.

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Sep 252016

Memory in the Time of Disposable Imagery

This panel with Haviv and professor/cultural critic Lauren Walsh explores the instability of memory in the age of instantaneous, disposable imagery. Platforms like Snapchat permit an ephemerality that shapes how we use pictures, making them more of an “in-the- moment” language than a record of our past. How will we remember our today in the future?

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