
Mark Murrmann

Mark Murrmann

Mark Murrmann is the photo editor at Mother Jones. As a photographer, he specializes in documentary-style work. His photos have appeared on dozens of record covers, as well as in commercial projects and publications around the world.

Archive Exhibitions Featuring Mark Murrmann

Can American Labor Seize the Moment?

Brooklyn Bridge Park – Emily Warren Roebling Plaza

Unions are popular but facing decades of decline. We asked photographers to document this unique moment for the American worker.

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Boss Workers

Brooklyn Bridge Park – Pier 5
 archive : 2021

American work has gotten increasingly unstable. It’s no wonder an increasing number are drawn to a model of working that gives them back some power. Welcome to worker co-ops—businesses where the workers literally own the place. Now, they are springing up across the nation.

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Archive Sessions and Events Featuring Mark Murrmann

Oct 72021

Good Work: Worker Co-Operatives And Transformative Labor Photography

Co-operative businesses are returning workers’ power. These photographers have shown both the beauty and the effort of when Americans get to be their own bosses.

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This website was made possible thanks to the generous support and partnership of Photowings