
Sarah Perlmutter

Archive Exhibitions Featuring Sarah Perlmutter

Moonsongs For Earth

Brooklyn Bridge Park – Emily Warren Roebling Plaza

Moonsongs for Earth offers a musical exploration of a decade-long war in Nepal: the dream for a just, egalitarian society and the subsequent betrayal.

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The Gay Space Agency

Brooklyn Bridge Park – Emily Warren Roebling Plaza
 archive : 2023

The Gay Space Agency confronts the American space program’s historical exclusion of openly queer astronauts, reimagining a history of the space program that celebrates queerness and highlights LGBTQIA+ role models.

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Where the Birds Never Sing

Brooklyn Bridge Park – Emily Warren Roebling Plaza
 archive : 2022

Presented by Magnum Foundation

Where the Birds Never Sing reenacts the memories of survivors from the 1979 Marichjhapi massacre in Sundarbans, West Bengal, India, weaving together perspectives on a painful history that faces slow erasure from collective memory.

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