
Call for Proposals! #PhotovilleFestival2024

We are excited to announce that Photoville is gearing up for its 13th year in New York City!

Photoville 2024 will kick off with a celebratory Opening Weekend on June 1-2, 2024 and will run through June 16, 2024.

Our Photo Village, with its classic shipping containers will be returning to Brooklyn Bridge Park – with additional open-air exhibitions in NYC Parks, and other NYC cultural institutions and public spaces throughout the five boroughs. 

Send us your visual stories! 

Photoville is eager to showcase projects across all spectrums of visual storytelling. Whether done globally or locally, in a studio or in the streets, showcasing celebration, resilience, or challenges— or all three, your stories are what we want to see! Ultimately, we are looking for work that helps us to better understand ourselves and the world around us.

However, we do encourage early submissions, as we are already starting to discuss and lock in projects and public spaces.

We’re thrilled to see your work and can’t wait to exhibit it across New York City!


Got questions about applying to Photoville Festival 2024? 
See below for some answers to your Frequently Asked Questions!

Still have a question? Please contact the Photoville team – [email protected].


Submit your proposal for a Container exhibition by Jan 22, 2024

Submit your proposal for an Open Air exhibition (Banner, Truss, or PhotoCube) by Jan 22, 2024

Submit your proposal for a Public Program at Photoville Festival 2024 by Jan 22, 2024

Submit your proposal for an Educator Exhibition Grant at Photoville Festival 2024 by Feb 19, 2024. For more information visit



We are looking for all types of photographic and lens-based work. We welcome everything from documentary and photojournalism, to fine art, sports, and conceptual work. Alternative processes such as photo collage, tintypes, and cyanotypes are all welcome too! We encourage you to view some of our past exhibitions for inspiration. 

We are looking for work that addresses various issues including immigration, healthcare, education, racial inequality, climate change, social justice, incarceration, women’s rights, youth and intergenerational stories, police reform, housing, and so much more.

We do ask you to remember that this is a public festival that will be on view in highly-trafficked public spaces. Please avoid images that may be shocking — particularly images of nudity, sexual intercourse, drug use, or violence.


All photo-based artists (and collectives, organizations, and companies representing this work) are welcome to apply! There is no limit or prerequisite regarding artist age, professional qualifications, or time period the work was made in.

There are three applications — two for exhibitions (open to all photo-based artists, collectives, non-profit organizations and commercial entities), and one for public programming (for anyone interested in presenting a talk, workshop, or interactive experience). Please make sure to use the application that best matches your situation.

If I am selected, what will I be responsible for?

Selected artists will have a one-on-one virtual meeting with the Photoville team to discuss the specifics of their exhibition. This will include information about curatorial, technical, and financial elements.

All selected artists will be expected to work with the Photoville team to produce their exhibition. This may mean designing your own exhibition and working with the Photoville team to make sure it’s print-ready for a large-scale exhibition. Or this may mean providing high resolution files and copy edited text to the Photoville team to design, and then working with them to proof and finalize your exhibition.

I am an independent artist / artist-led collective. If selected, what will Photoville cover?

If you are a selected artist or artist-led collective that DOES NOT have any institutional support or sponsorship, we will cover the cost of printing, exhibition structures, installation, public liability insurance, publicity, and will pay a modest artist honorarium. The honorarium amount will vary and is dependent on the number of artists we will be supporting, the scope and size of the project, and the materials we will use to produce the exhibition.

If you are a selected artist or artist-led collective that DOES have institutional support or sponsorship, there may be a financial contribution required, which will be assessed based on your exhibition proposal. Please see the next section for further details.

I am a Non-profit Organization OR a Commercial Entity OR an Artist with sponsorship. What does my contribution cover?

If you are a non-profit or commercial entity and are supporting the work of a selected proposal, there will be a financial contribution required, which will be assessed based on your exhibition proposal.

If you are a selected artist or artist-led collective with sponsorship, there will be a financial contribution required, which will be assessed based on your exhibition proposal.

Depending on the scope of your exhibition, design and production needs, the required financial contribution can fall in the range of:

​​Artists and curators WITHOUT any financial support are eligible for a Photoville sponsored exhibition, if selected. Please see the previous section for further details.

Please note that production costs (materials, rentals, and staffing) have skyrocketed in the past few years and, at a minimum, your contribution will cover the cost of printing, exhibition structures, installation, public liability insurance, security, and publicity. We can also discuss the cost of design, curation, and other services we can offer, as applicable.

How can my company become a Photoville Partner?

It takes a community to build a village and Photoville is no exception. Photoville wouldn’t be possible without the support of our wonderful partners.

There are many ways to partner with us! Fill out this short form for more information and we’ll be in touch.

What will the photo village look like?

Just like in 2023, we will have around 18 shipping containers in Brooklyn Bridge Park, joined by over 35 open-air photo exhibits and activations. On opening weekend, the village will host a range of programs (artist talks, workshops, screenings and more) which you can apply for via this form. The containers will house photo installations and you can apply for one via this form.

Will there be exhibitions in all five boroughs again this year?

Yes! In addition to our Brooklyn Bridge Park photo village, we will be partnering with NYC Parks and other NYC cultural institutions and public spaces to exhibit open air installations and you can submit a proposal for one of these exhibits via this form.





All other partners will be announced in 2024

Photoville Festival is supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council.

This website was made possible thanks to the generous support and partnership of Photowings