
Suzie Katz

Suzie Katz

Suzie Katz is a photographer, speaker, educator and is giving back to the world that has given her so much by creating and running an educational non-profit organization called PhotoWings. Our mission is to highlight and help facilitate the power of photography to influence the world. We help photography to be better understood, created, utilized, seen, and saved.

Through PhotoWings she concentrates on bringing the photos, knowledge and skills around photography to the world both inside and outside the photo silo across generations, cultures, and disciplines. We recognize this wisdom honed by the world’s best visual storytellers and those who use photography are also important to others’ work and life. These ideas can be utilized for self-discovery, better communication, critical thinking, visual literacy, resilience, storytelling and understanding context among others that are also valued in social emotional learning and executive function skills. To document and more richly utilize that legacy we’ve created, along with our innovative partners,100’s of hours of interviews, presentations, and other educational content incorporating these ideas for replication, adaptation, or inspiration.

Suzie also thinks a lot about addressing the often-under-appreciated value of photographs. To do that, however, involves saving images from being lost to the world. Pictures that may not seem important today can be deeply important later to loved ones, for multiple uses in education, and valued as history. So many photos are tossed, lost to technology in what is sometimes referred to as the “digital dark ages”, or destroyed by the elements that they’re no longer available, so an important aspect of our work is to proactively address this timely issue. As photo curator Malcolm Daniel states “Each time we lose a photograph that has power, we’ve lost the opportunity to be changed by it”.

Current Exhibitions Featuring Suzie Katz

Square Mile

Brooklyn Bridge Park – Emily Warren Roebling Plaza
 coming soon

Showcasing the significance of local stories in a global context through photographic explorations by selected members of VII Community, a program of The VII Foundation, in partnership with PhotoWings.

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Archive Sessions and Events Featuring Suzie Katz

Sep 142018

The Importance and How To’s of Archiving Work and Legacy

Suzie Katz, president and founder of PhotoWings, and Mary Engel, president and founder of American Photography Archives Group, will discuss the importance of archiving, the best techniques and platforms, and how to start thinking about the legacy you’ll leave behind.

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This website was made possible thanks to the generous support and partnership of Photowings