“To do the Ring” is an Icelandic expression that generally refers to travels on Route 1, the highway that encircles the country. To travel this road is something that most Icelanders do at some point in their lives and some even prefer to do it every summer.
Learn MoreIn one of the dialects spoken in the east of Poland, which is a mixture of Polish and Belorussian, people strongly attached to the soil cultivated from generations were called Karczebs.
Learn MoreWhat interest me the most are intersection points of society and nature – says Kowalski – it is where interesting things happen: disorder in harmony, emergence of new forms.
Learn MorePhoto Poland – Contemporary Polish Photography is an exhibition showcasing contemporary Polish photography. The talk will begin with a slideshow presenting a selection of 10 contemporary Polish photographers. This will be followed by a panel discussion with photographers Rafal Milach, Adam Panczuk and Kacper Kowalski, who discussing their work and the current state of Polish photography.
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