
Exhibitions Tagged #Society


Brooklyn Bridge Park – Emily Warren Roebling Plaza

In the heart of the Australian Outback, a 12-hour drive west of Sydney and three hours from the nearest supermarket, a small remote community lives in underground caves to shield themselves from the harsh climate of the desert.

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Brooklyn Bridge Park – Emily Warren Roebling Plaza

Vivarium is a series of constructed dioramas by Dutch artist Dirk Hardy. For each Episode, Hardy meticulously designs, crafts and photographs a new world in his studio, creating meaningful narratives around topics like racial profiling, gender roles, modern working conditions and more.

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The South Street Seaport

Thank You Please Come Again documents the culture of service stations serving as vital community hubs and gathering places across the American South.

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Dear Mr. Welles

Brooklyn Bridge Park – Emily Warren Roebling Plaza
 archive : 2023

Dear Mr. Welles investigates the impact of the radio broadcast: ‘The War of the worlds’ by Orson Welles by visualizing letters written to Orson Welles the days after the broadcast was aired.

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Domino Park, Williamsburg
 archive : 2022

Presented by The Photographers of I.S. 318 in Brooklyn, New York and Photoville, in partnership with PhotoWings

The pandemic has changed the way we live and interact, as well as the way we see people, places, and things.

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Boss Workers

Brooklyn Bridge Park – Pier 5
 archive : 2021

American work has gotten increasingly unstable. It’s no wonder an increasing number are drawn to a model of working that gives them back some power. Welcome to worker co-ops—businesses where the workers literally own the place. Now, they are springing up across the nation.

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In Their Hands: Women Taking Ownership Of Peace

Brooklyn Bridge Park – Pier 1
 archive : 2021

Through the lens of local women photographers, we seek to elevate, amplify and increase the visibility of women’s participation in—and their essential contributions to—peace and security.

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Keeping Love Close: What Does Love Look Like? Asian And Asian-American Photographers Respond

Times Square – 42nd St & Broadway
 archive : 2021

What does love look like in a time of anti-Asian hate? Asian and Asian-American photographers respond.

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Events and Sessions Tagged #Society

Oct 172021

Delirious Visibility: The Work Of Media Literacy In The Age Of Digital Overconsumption

In the deluge of information transparency, how do we – image-makers, storytellers, content creators – become agents of a future historicity that can rage against the obsc(r)ene?

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Oct 72021

Good Work: Worker Co-Operatives And Transformative Labor Photography

Co-operative businesses are returning workers’ power. These photographers have shown both the beauty and the effort of when Americans get to be their own bosses.

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Oct 22021

Keeping It Real: Capturing Life Today

Gain insight into how you can create compelling, realistic images taken from your own life and experiences.

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Sep 152018

How Do We Focus Our Gaze? Connecting Photography & Social Impact

Hear from CatchLight’s founder and fellows about our unique focus on solving the giant mismatch between artists and their potential for social impact by surrounding longform storytelling with resources, networks and leadership to bring to life and amplify the reach of their stories.

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This website was made possible thanks to the generous support and partnership of Photowings