

“The need is enormous. We are finding explosive hazards in every street, every house, every alley, every piece of infrastructure.” 

Pehr Lodhammar (UNMAS Programme Manager from Iraq)

Following wars and the occupation of many areas of the country by ISIL, Iraq is littered with explosive devices, including thousands of IEDs. Major population centers and small villages are unsafe for the people returning home. The United Nations is helping the Government of Iraq to clear these hazards village by village, street by street.  The people of Iraq, like people everywhere, deserve and need safe homes.

The United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS) opened the very first exhibition of Safe Home. at Photoville NY 2018. Featuring photos by Cengiz Yar, the exhibition highlighted the challenging and demanding work that the organization carries out to create a “safe home” for almost two million internally displaced people in Iraq.

Artist Bios

  • Cengiz Yar

    Cengiz Yar

    Cengiz Yar is an American documentary photographer who spent the past two years working in Iraq. His photography and writing is focused on mass displacement, religious and ethnic minorities, and the fight against the Islamic State. Cengiz’s editorial clients include Vanity Fair, WIRED UK, Google, The Guardian, The Wall Street Journal, and Foreign Policy Magazine, among others. His humanitarian clients include organizations such as UNHCR, UNICEF, UNMAS, and Mercy Corps. He was awarded ONA’s inaugural 2015 James W. Foley Award for Conflict Freelancers and was listed by Getty Images Reportage Emerging Talent. He was part of the Associated Press photography team listed as 2017 Pulitzer Prize Finalists and served for the past three years as a board member of the Frontline Freelancer Registry.


  • United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS)

    United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS)

    Established in 1997, the United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS) leads, coordinates and implements activities to mitigate the threat posed by mines, explosive remnants of war and improvised explosive devices.

Safe Home

 archive : 2018

Featuring: Cengiz Yar

Curated by: William JC Cleary

Presented by: United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS)
  • United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS)


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