
Digital Silver Imaging

Digital Silver Imaging

Archive Exhibitions Supported by Digital Silver Imaging

If We Stand Tall: Recollections of Spirits Past

Brooklyn Bridge Park – Emily Warren Roebling Plaza

Through decades of Black figurative film-based photography, Cheryl Miller chronicles everyday experiences in the series “If We Stand Tall: Recollections of Spirits Past”—the rituals, social dynamics, and cultural nuances that define African American communities.

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Local Newsrooms

Brooklyn Bridge Park – Emily Warren Roebling Plaza

As the journalism industry shrinks, this project captures local newsrooms to engage communities in the search of and support for trusted local news while raising awareness for a national audience that may not realize what has already been lost, and what is at stake.

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Brooklyn Bridge Park – Emily Warren Roebling Plaza

In the heart of the Australian Outback, a 12-hour drive west of Sydney and three hours from the nearest supermarket, a small remote community lives in underground caves to shield themselves from the harsh climate of the desert.

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A Love Letter To Barbados

Brooklyn Bridge Park – Emily Warren Roebling Plaza
 archive : 2023

Photographic images that encapsulate the stories, the people and the powerful landscape of Barbados, the Southeastern island in the Caribbean sea.

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Our Black Experience: Stories from Black Women Photographers

Brooklyn Bridge Park – Emily Warren Roebling Plaza
 archive : 2023

Explore Black femininity through the lens of four Black Women photographers. We invite you into a black woman’s home while you view photographs of the Our Black Experience.

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Eros and Its Discontents

Brooklyn Bridge Park – Emily Warren Roebling Plaza
 archive : 2023

Eros And Its Discontents (2016-2023) documents individuals from the LGBTQIA+ community in India. This series of staged performative portraits show individuals who do not wish to put themselves in boxes, and thus their stories spill out of the frames and enter our imaginations.

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Autistic Joy

Brooklyn Bridge Park – Emily Warren Roebling Plaza
 archive : 2023

Autistic Joy aims to empower and activate change – encouraging families and communities to engage in conversations about acceptance and joy starting with how Neurodivergent children are treated, valued and seen. This is one Black Autistic Boy’s journey.

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We Don’t Talk

Brooklyn Bridge Park – Emily Warren Roebling Plaza
 archive : 2023

Marjolein Busstra followed the lives of minors entangled in complex networks of sexual violence. Can the old, unprocessed memory be overwritten and processed by going back to to the locations where they felt extremely unsafe, by the collaborative act of photographing?

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Dear Mr. Welles

Brooklyn Bridge Park – Emily Warren Roebling Plaza
 archive : 2023

Dear Mr. Welles investigates the impact of the radio broadcast: ‘The War of the worlds’ by Orson Welles by visualizing letters written to Orson Welles the days after the broadcast was aired.

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Another Perspective

Brooklyn Bridge Park – Emily Warren Roebling Plaza
 archive : 2023

Another Perspective is a cross generational photo collaboration between three documentary photographers who all have direct experince with the criminal justice system.

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This website was made possible thanks to the generous support and partnership of Photowings