
Anna and Jordan Rathkopf

Anna and Jordan Rathkopf are a photo/video team creating and producing visual narratives about intimate personal journeys. We focus on issues of identity, health, resilience, and what it means to be part of a community.

Anna was raised in Prague, in the shadows of historic architecture and world-class museums. She learned about composition, the use of light, and how to capture rare moments from her uncle, a renowned Eastern European photographer.

Jordan is a former media relations specialist who grew up in Brooklyn. There, he learned to connect with people from all walks of life and developed an eye for symmetry and hidden charm. He finds that as different as people are, they’re still mostly the same: they want to be understood, they like a good story, and most can be disarmed with an unexpected compliment.

Anna met Jordan at an 80s-themed nightclub in Prague after he was struck by her unconventional dance moves.

Archive Exhibitions Featuring Anna and Jordan Rathkopf

Kensington Cares এলাকার যত্নে কেন্সিংটন / Kensington Se Cuida

Avenue C Plaza
 archive : 2021

When COVID-19 hit Kensington, people took care of one another. The Kensington Cares exhibit celebrates this collective movement on the Avenue C Plaza—a place of resilience and creativity.

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This website was made possible thanks to the generous support and partnership of Photowings