
The Wilderness Society

The Wilderness Society

Since 1935, our mission and passion has been to protect our nation’s shared wilderness, so that all Americans can enjoy the benefits they provide. We collaborate closely with local communities to safeguard wild places for future generations.

We fight for legal protections for our wildest places, and we champion and defend national policies that give protections for public lands, especially for our national forests, parks, refuges, and Bureau of Land Management properties.

We also ensure that the natural lands that belong to all Americans are taken care of, not given away or exploited for short-term gains by logging, mining, and oil and gas extraction. For more information, visit

Archive Exhibitions Supported by The Wilderness Society

Stories for the Arctic Refuge

Brooklyn Bridge Park – Emily Warren Roebling Plaza
 archive : 2019

Stories for the Arctic Refuge explores the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge along with the hundreds of species that depend on it, as well as the Gwich’in and Iñupiat people who rely on it to live, and the big industries that threatens its existence.

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