Featuring: Ben Adkison, Raed Al-Jawad, WJ Boone, Matt Dayka, Michael DeYoung, Arnie Dolgins, Mauricio Donelli, Andrei Duman, Mark Fisher, Hank Gans, Gero Heine, Matthew Hood, Scott Hoyle, Mary Gretchen Kaplan, Layne Kennedy, Keith Ladzinski, David Lawrence Lim, Matthew O’Brien, Andrew Peacock, Tanya Piejus, Whit Richardson, Scott Rinckenberger, Liz Rogers, Chris Schmid, Jeff Schultz, Rick Sereque, Terry Shapiro, Jeremy Shelby, Joan Shyers, Franck Simonnet, Harriet Smith, Chelsea Tischler, Daniel Tremblay, Michele Westmorland, Dawn Y. Wilson, Kristin Wright.
Photo District News is proud to present all of the winners of the 2013 Great Outdoors photo contest. Special Congratulations to Professional grand-prize winner, Matt Dayka, and amateur grand-prize winner, Rick Sereque. The professional first-place winners are Andrew Peacock, Jeff Schultz, Michele Westmorland and Kristin Braga Wright, and amateur first-place winners are Ben Adkison, Raed Al-Jawad, Andrei Duman and Mary Gretchen Kaplan.
Thanks to the sponsors: Adorama, Sante Fe Photographic Workshops, Photoserve MatadorU and Outdoor Retailer.
John Toolan
Photography Director
Field & Stream
John Nuhn
Managing Photo Editor
National Wildlife
Justin Appenzeller
Photo Editor
Outdoor Life
Genny Fullerton
Sr. Associate Photo Editor
Backpacker Magazine
Photo Editor
SNOWboardingKeri Bascetta
Director of Photography
SKI Magazine/Skiing MagazineKenji Haroutunian
Show Director
Outdoor Retailer
Photo District News (PDN)
Photo District News (PDN) and PDNOnline, the award-winning publications for the professional photographer, have covered every aspect of the professional photographic industry for over 30 years. PDN delivers the information photographers need to survive in a competitive business–from marketing and business advice to legal issues, cutting-edge photographic techniques, new technologies and more.
PDN published its first PDN’s 30 issue in 1999. Photographers selected for past PDN’s 30 issues have become some of today’s most acclaimed and prolific photographers.
The Great Outdoors
Featuring: Various Artists
View Location Details Brooklyn Bridge Park – Pier 5 UplandsBrooklyn,
NY 11201
Location open 24 hours