
U.S. Marine Corps

U.S. Marine Corps

Founded in 1775, the United States Marine Corps shares its legacy with that of the United States of America. Intrinsically bound, the Marines have fought battles throughout time to defend our constitution, protect our people, and to stabilize the world in times of crisis. The Marine Corps performs two important functions for our nation: we make Marines and we win battles. Marines are trained to improvise, adapt and overcome any obstacle in whatever situation they are needed. They have the willingness to engage and the determination to defeat the enemy until victory is seized. The kinds of battles Marines fight range from traditional warfare to humanitarian and disaster relief missions. The fighting spirit that helps them win these battles extends beyond the scope of their military service, and many Marines continue to serve in the communities where they live.

Archive Exhibitions Supported by U.S. Marine Corps

Battles Won

Brooklyn Bridge Park – Emily Warren Roebling Plaza
 archive : 2018

Marine photojournalists tell the Marine Corps story to the American public, reporting from a frozen reservoir in Korea, in sweltering jungles in Vietnam, Desert Storm, Iraq, Afghanistan and anywhere that battles must be won.

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Battles Won

Brooklyn Bridge Park – Emily Warren Roebling Plaza
 archive : 2017

The Marine Corps is about fighting and winning battles. That’s who we are and what we do.

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This website was made possible thanks to the generous support and partnership of Photowings