
Talia Herman
Talia Herman
Giles Clarke

Featuring: Paolo Ciregia, Giles Clarke, Glenna Gordon, Talia Herman, Mario Kaiser, Andrew Renneisen, Katia Repina, Joseph Rodriguez, Marieke van der Velden, Patrick Willocq, and Theo Zierock

Curated by Zara Katz and Noah Rosenberg

The Narratively editors who contributed to the stories on display include: Brendan Spiegel, Chelsea Stahl, Michael Stahl and Rebecca White.

Insider. Outsider. We tend to think of them as polar opposites. Like right and wrong. Rich and poor. Black and white. But the labels we covet and stick onto others are nothing if not a reflection of perspective.

Pushing through the boundaries of identity and belonging are a collective of drag queens deep in a California forest, Pigmy mothers in the Congo, a budding porn star in Spain, and voodoo practitioners in Senegal. People on the inside protest against forces on the outside—racism, incarceration, pollution, societal norms—or maybe they’re actually on the outside fighting to get in. The lands forbidden to some are homes to others. In keeping with Narratively’s thematic online publishing model, we invite you to step inside and explore these worlds.


  • Narratively


    Narratively is a digital publication and content studio devoted to ordinary people with extraordinary stories. Our editors and global network of contributors avoid the breaking news and the next big headline, focusing instead on crafting the most authentic, engaging stories we can, one at a time. We comb our world’s big cities and hidden corners for the characters and narratives that mainstream media aren’t finding—the underdogs and overlooked tales that enlighten us, connect us, and capture our imagination—stories that would otherwise fall through the cracks. We present our stories in weekly themes, and in the most appropriate medium, from writing to short documentary films, photo essays, audio, and comics journalism. The result is that every story, and storyteller, has the chance to make an impact. 


 archive : 2015

Featuring: Various Artists

Presented by: Narratively
  • Narratively


View Location Details Brooklyn Bridge Park – Emily Warren Roebling Plaza

1 Water St
Brooklyn, NY 11201

Number 1 on the official photoville map Click to download this year's map

This location is part of Brooklyn Bridge Park
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