
Fourth Grade Project

Fourth Grade Project

The mission of the Fourth Grade Project is to achieve greater empathy and understanding by documenting and sharing the hopes and fears of fourth graders around the world.

A focus of the project is to create a website and curriculum to make the project easily accessible to educators worldwide. No curriculum currently exists to teach students about diverse ways of life through direct narratives from their peers. The Fourth Grade Project will allow more students to learn about each other’s lives in a uniquely personal way and to use the project as a catalyst for their own explorations. No matter how gifted children are or how much social advantage they have, they still often lack an awareness of what life is like for other children around the world.

The website will include galleries of images representing each school, a curriculum guide to assist teachers, and forums for students to share their own portraits and interviews.

Website | Twitter | Instagram

Archive Exhibitions Supported by Fourth Grade Project

Fourth Grade Project

Annenberg Space for Photography
 archive : Photoville LA

The mission of the Fourth Grade Project is to achieve greater empathy and understanding by documenting and sharing the hopes and fears of fourth graders around the world.

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This website was made possible thanks to the generous support and partnership of Photowings